The International Multiphase Flow Technology Forum(8)
发布时间:2022年5月26日 来源:中国颗粒学会
Email: Tel: 86-10-89731677 Fax: 86-10-89700644
IMFTF Keynote Meeting (8) Schedule
Date & Time:
Tue, 31 May 2022
Professor Wei Yan
Technical University of Denmark
(13:00 – 13:05 Beijing Time)
Keynote Speech
(13:05 – 13:50 Beijing Time)
Kristian Jessen
University of Southern California
(13:50 – 14:10 Beijing Time)
Discussions, closing
(14:10 – 14:20 Beijing Time)
Platform: Zoom
Meeting ID: 836 3199 3425
Passcode: 266882
Investigation of Mass Transfer and Sorption in Shale under Variable Net Stress

Kristian Jessen
University of Southern California, US
Natural gas in shales exists as free and adsorbed gas subject to prevailing pore pressures and confining stress conditions. Accordingly, to estimate/predict the shale gas recovery potential accurately, a central requirement is to represent gas transport (including viscous flow and Knudsen diffusion) and sorption behavior (including sorption kinetics and isotherms) under varying stress conditions. The objective of this work is to facilitate the interpretation of laboratory-scale experiments, at relevant conditions, in an attempt to bridge the gap in scales between laboratory- and field-scale observations.
We have conducted a series of high-pressure experiments on a full-diameter core sample from the Marcellus play. These include gas loading (pressure-decay) and depletion (production) experiments with pure Methane at variable stress conditions, to characterize transport and sorption behaviors close to the reservoir conditions. We have formulated and applied a novel integral formulation for mass transfer/storage in multi-porosity shale systems that allows us to separate transport and sorption phenomena effectively: We delineate gas transport by interpreting Helium pressure-decay experiments and demonstrate how to translate the relevant transport coefficients to Methane (and other gases). A separate measurement of Methane sorption isotherms, on a smaller sample (shale cube), was interpreted and combined with the transport description to predict the production behavior of Methane from the full-diameter core.
Our experiments demonstrate that a representation of sorption hysteresis is crucial to predict and guide shale gas production. We demonstrate that our integral triple-porosity model provides an effective approach for the interpretation and prediction of gas transport and sorption behaviors during loading and production experiments on shale cores under variable net stress conditions.
In summary, our work combines measurement and modeling of mass transfer and sorption in shale, to validate an integral characterization approach that facilitates an improved understanding of shale gas production, Furthermore, the dimensionless groups used in our modeling define a pathway for upscaling of laboratory-scale experimentation.
Speaker Information
Kristian Jessen
University of Southern California
Doctoral Degree, Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Master's Degree, Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
Work Experience:
2019 - Professor, University of Southern California, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
2012-2019 Associate Professor, University of Southern California, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
2006-2012 Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
2003-2006 Acting Assistant Professor, Stanford University, Department of Petroleum Engineering
2002-2003 Research Associate, Stanford University, Department of Petroleum Engineering
2001-2002 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stanford University, Department of Petroleum Engineering
Selected Publications:
1. Orr, F.M. Jr. and Jessen, K., Chapter 8 of “Analytical Theory of Gas Injection Processes”, Tie-Line Publications, Denmark, 2007, ISBN: 87-989961-2-5.
2. Jessen, K., Michelsen, M.L. and Stenby, E.H: “Global approach for calculation of minimum miscibility pressure”, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 153(2), p. 251-263, 1998.
3. Jessen, K., Wang, Y., Ermakov, P., Zhu, J. and Orr, F.M., Jr.: “Fast, Approximate Solutions for 1DMulticomponent Gas Injection Problems”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, Vol. 6(4), p. 442-451, 2001.
4. Jessen, K., Stenby, E.H. and Orr, F.M. Jr. “Interplay of Phase Behavior and Numerical Dispersion in Finite Difference Compositional Simulation”, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 9(2), p. 193-201, 2004.
5. Jessen, K., Kovscek, A.R. and Orr, F.M. Jr: “Increasing CO2 storage in oil recovery Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 46(2), p. 293-311, 2005.
6. Jessen, K. and Orr, F.M. Jr: “On IFT measurements for prediction of the minimum miscibility pressure”, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. 11(5), p. 933-939, 2008.
7. Javaheri, M. and Jessen, K: “Integration of counter-current relative permeability in the simulation of CO2 injection into saline aquifers”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 5, Issue 5, September
2011, Pages 1272-1283.
8. Shamsi, M.M., Farhadi Nia, S. and Kristian Jessen: “Dynamic Conductivity of Proppant-Filled Fractures”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 151, March 2017, Pages 183-193.
9. Zhuofan Shi, Kristian Jessen and Theodore T. Tsotsis, “Impacts of the Subsurface Storage of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Mixtures”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(15), p8757-8773, 2020
10.Wen B., Shi Z., Jessen K., Hesse M.A. and Tsotsis T.T: Convective carbon dioxide dissolution in a closed porous.
1. SPE Distinguished Member Award, July 2021
2. SPE Regional Health, Safety, and Environment Award, July 2021
3. Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award, WNAR Society of Petroleum Engineers, May 2015.
4. Orange County Engineering Council (OCEC), Outstanding Engineering Educator Award, February 2014.
5. Outstanding Faculty Award, WNAR Society of Petroleum Engineers, May 2011.
6. Outstanding Associate Editor Award: SPE Journal, Society of Petroleum Engineers, September 2010.
7. Outstanding Technical Editor Award: SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Society of Petroleum Engineers, November 2007.